June 2018

 This is Gordo. We found him and named him and put him in a bucket. A piece of wood was placed atop, nevertheless he escaped.

A normal day playing with water on the patio, I hear her saying "Mama, fish here!" I really believed she was pretending, until her sister confirmed there was a fish on the patio. Quite surprised , I asked her "where did that fish come from?!" She told me a bird was flying by her and dropped the fish! True fishing tale.
Not much is wasted here in Guatemala. I searched for weeks for an old tire to hang for the kids to swing on. So, I will admit I have a hard time throwing things out if I can see a use to repurpose something. These are the straps from the boxes of tile we put in the house. We are weaving them into an outdoor rug. It's excellent material to teach weaving because of its stiffness and flatness .

Nos vemos!


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